By Tara Beattie

“King of the World” by Natalie Grant has been a song that has been on my heart lately. In this song, the lyrics depict how we can downplay the over-arching presence of God in our daily lives. In the past, I have been guilty of being a convenience Christian. A convenience Christian is something I totally made up, but I think it is relevant name for the situation. I would put God in a box and only open the box when it was convenient for me…hence a convenience Christian. This song is currently my go to song, especially during the trying times that 2020 has presented. You guys, I have been watching/stalking the prices of counter fake hazmat suits because I just want to hug my grandparents. My heart is struggling with the loss of person to person interaction. I need human interaction and I certainly want more than Facetime with these two. During this season of life, I felt myself needing to reflect on how God is always there. This song brings my heart the reassurance I so desperately seek from Jesus.

In the past, I have been guilty of using “religion” and “faith” when it was convenient for me.  I cannot count the times I have played it “safe” in my Christian walk. I have fought with God. I ran from God. Sad truth, I felt led to raise my hands in worship at least a year before I finally let God completely in and raised my hands. Note: the strong-willed child in my home may be a little like his mom… I finally let myself fully grasp what worshipping God really meant. I also resisted the calling I knew that God put on my heart because I let fear control that situation. Sweet friends, listen up and listen well!  Fear is a debilitating disorder that immobilizes us and has such a strong hold on us. I had such a fear of failing that it kept me from what doing what I love and what God has gifted me to do. Fear created so much havoc that I ran from God and from my gifting. Picture this, a gal who loves sweet tea, apple cider donuts (by the bag not necessarily per donut, which might a problem, but let’s save that for another post) who wears leopard print Bob’s basically everyday trying to outrun God.  Oh, and if you do not know what Bob’s are, let’s grab some latte’s and chat- because they are life changing and support a good cause.  You guys silliness aside, I thought I could actually outrun what the King of Kings had set out for me. There is a whole lot wrong with that sentence- both grammatically and spiritually.  Well, let me tell you all a little secret, fear is the biggest liar I know. I fight the enemy’s lies with spiritual warfare. I crank up the worship music and praise the King of Kings. Also, I seek scripture to dispel the lies of the enemy and I pray with a thankful heart. Let’s band together as believers and fight the lies of the enemy with truth from the One who has already won the battle. Spoiler alert, we know the ending of the story and it is good.

I have always loved to write.  I started writing short stories at a young age and continued this love throughout high school.  When it came time for college, I fell victim to fear and did not pursue my calling. I chose the legal path, reviewing and negotiating contracts.  Not a bad gig by no means.  Once I began pursuing a relationship with God, I began to feel the nudge to begin writing again. And one day, I dove in head-first. I would have never imagined that I would be writing about Jesus and my faith but here I am. I am equipped by the One who personally knows me and knows my heart. I know when I write not everything is grammatically correct and I am ok with that.  I write in the same manner as I speak and that works for me. God has equipped me to reach people through written word.

There is no calling that He puts on you that is too small.  Whether it is serving in Children’s Church, being part of the clean-up crew, being a prayer warrior or using your vocal talents on the worship team, God has placed these giftings within to serve others. I would use this comparison, there is a reason a baseball/ softball team has nine positions. Each position could not stand alone but all nine together create the opportunity for success.

In order to truly be able to serve God in the capacity that he wants us to we need to have a teachable spirit.  A spirit willing to grow in relationship with Christ.  This is the sign of a maturing Christian.

1 Corinthians 12:4-6 “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.”

If God calls you to serve, he will equip you in the capacity needed to serve. You have to be ready to receive that calling. Friends, do not waste your time fighting His calling on you.  Another spoiler alert, he will win. He will lead and equip those called. Let’s break it down. I mean picture this: a baby, named Moses, is placed in a reed basket and sent down the Nile River in attempt by the mother to save his life. This same baby becomes the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter and enters an esteemed life.  God calls the same man, Moses to lead thousands out of Egypt. Moses says to the Lord, “O my Lord, I am not an eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” God then states to Moses, “who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf the seeing or the blind? Have not I, the Lord? Now therefore go and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say. God is saying to Moses, come on now fella get it together.  I am calling you to be my servant and I will equip you for task at hand. In Hebrews 13:21, Jesus says, that he will equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” It is literally that simple. Jesus will equip the called.  What does Jesus do for Moses? He uses Moses’ brother Aaron to speak through him.

You guys! His plan is so good. He is a Good Father. He works all things for His good. We simply need to get in the habit of listening. Seek Him in scripture. Give Thanks and truly allow yourself to give in and experience praise and worship. You will not regret it.

I will leave you with one of my favorite scriptures on equipping the called from 1 Timothy 6:12 says, “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

Until next time LP, keep pressing in and encouraging others!