The Price is Right

1 John 2:15-17
The _____________ is NOT __________ and __________ – ______________ the Church.

Matt 16: 16-18
The __________is supposed to be _______________ and the ______________ will ____________ prevail against it

Luke 14:25-35
Being a ______________ of Jesus will ___________ you. There is a difference in ____________ God and ____________ God.

Mark 8:34-38

HAVE YOU _______________ THE ______________ OF WHAT YOUR _____________ IS __________________?

Jesus ____________ you; He _______________ you to _____________________ with Him, He ________________ of what it would take to ___________ you and He ___________ in your place

Matt 24:36-44

________________ can _______________ you but __________ can _____________ you!


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