Welcome to LP KiDS!
Each classroom is for specific age groups. We like to provide a safe, engaging, creative, and fun atmosphere for the children to learn about God. We want to teach the children the vision of our church: To find Jesus, find ourselves, find a purpose, and find a way to serve. I believe these kids are not too young to find their identity in Christ, learn to have a relationship with God, and find ways to serve others. We want to create a place where the kids feel loved and want to come back each week.

Terminals A & B

The Factory
The Factory is the classroom for our 3 year olds. In this room they will have fun learning about God and Jesus as they study the Bible with age appropriate lessons. This age is not too young to start learning about having a relationship with God as they learn to follow Jesus’ examples. They will also have a time of playing with toys, playdough, crafts and coloring.

The Warehouse
The warehouse is the classroom for our preschoolers ages 4/5. In this class we have so much fun! We have games, acititvities, worship, Bible Lesson, coloring pages or activity, and Prayer time. We take Bible stories and apply them to our lives today. The kids are not too young to learn how to have a relationship with God through Jesus’ examples.

The Hangar
The Hangar is the classroom for grades Kindergarten to 3rd Grade. We have games, activities, worship, Bible Lesson, and Prayer time. This is a time where your kids can come and hang out with other kids their age and talk about life lessons. We take Bible stories and apply them to our lives today.
The Control Room
The Control Room is the classroom for our older kids in grades 4th and 5th. In this class they start their morning going to worship in the main auditorium. After worship they come back to the control room and go over their bible lesson, play games, and have fun with their peers. We like to compare this age group to a small group. It’s a great time for the kids to make relationships with their friends, teachers, and ultimately Jesus.