Our History
“About noon as I came near Damascus, suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around me. I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me, ‘Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?’ “ ‘Who are you, Lord?’ I asked. “ ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting,’ he replied. My companions saw the light, but they did not understand the voice of him who was speaking to me. “ ‘What shall I do, Lord?’ I asked. “ ‘Get up,’ the Lord said, ‘and go into Damascus. There you will be told all that you have been assigned to do.’"
-Acts 22: 6-10

Find Jesus
Saul is doing everything but serving God. We see him kill Christian’s. Persecute the church. Even with all his success and his influence he is still left with a void in his life. He finally comes to an impasse where you can tell he doesn’t understand what’s next. We see in the story of him traveling to Demascus he is blinded and falls to the ground. In this powerful moment, the man that once was Saul Finds Jesus and becomes Paul. His life is instantly humbled and transformed. The next 3 days Paul deals with his blindness and also takes the moments to seek out and speak to God.
Find Yourself
These days, we see the example of Finding Yourself. These are the moments you can forgive and feel free to also forgive yourself and move on from your past. To break chains and boundaries you had previously set yourself in. Paul then starts seeking out what God has for him and he begins to plant churches and preach the gospel. He writes God inspired letters to churches and leaders.
Find Purpose
Paul had transformed his life so much that through church planting and writing he Found Purpose. When you know what your purpose is life becomes so much clearer. Your work days no longer just feel like work but they feel complete. Old voids are gone and life is poured into you so you can pour into others.
Find a Way to Serve
The Holy Spirit is now directing you and your whole life becomes about Finding Ways to Serve others. This story inspired us as a church to live this out and to see God work in our lives just like He did Paul’s.
Living Proof uses this story as a reminder of how Jesus wants to reach us and how we should respond after He does.
Our Mission

1. God is and always will be the center of everything we do.

2. We believe in people and believe that anyone, no matter what, can change (we never give up on people).

3. We take action- We are doers of the word not just consumers of the word. We serve the church and one another. Just sitting through church service limits how you impact the kingdom and what you are called to do.

4. Good work not busy work- When we just keep ourselves busy, it limits us to how God can use us. We believe in doing fewer things really well, rather than trying to do everything.

5. We want to stay uncomfortable– We believe we serve a God of multiplication and He has not called our church to stay status quo but yet He called us to be united in a effort to continue to grow His church to reach this community.

6. Humility is wisdom- This church started out with humble beginnings and may we never take for granted where God has taken us. We will remain humble so that we can maintain an attitude of worship and that our minds may remain teachable to what He has for us.