How do I know Jesus is real?
I dare you to just give him a chance. He will answer that question for Himself. I promise e will show up in your life if you allow him to and you will know without a doubt that He is real.

How could God ever forgive me?
Read your bible. Look up the man that wrote more than half of the New Testament. Paul used to persecute Christians and kill Gods people. But then God showed up and turned Paul’s life around. God used Paul to plant churches and spread the Gospel. If God can turn Paul’s life around like that and use him in the way that he did, then I think He can forgive and use you too.

Are you guys crazy on Sunday?
Just a few of us, but in all fairness the same ones are crazy on the other days of the week as well.

Is your Church boring?
No, it’s not, but I’m guessing every church you would ask this question to would say that, so I guess you will just have to try it and find out.

Why do I need God and why should I go to Church?
You need God because He is what gives us hope and He is what saves us from ourselves. He is the standard and the moral code. It’s God or nothing. Without a relationship with Jesus you have no idea what tomorrow brings and you have no clue what happens to you if you were to die. There would be nothing to look forward to up ahead. The reason you are even asking this question shows you already know and have been searching for why you need God. The reason we go to Church is because God told us to go and we need each other and we need to grow everyday.

Will I fit in if I come to Church?
We are a church full of people from all walks of life, from all generations, and with all different backgrounds and stories. You will be just fine, and you will fit right in.